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20 Reasons Why You Should Not Plagiarize and Try to Write in Your Own Words

Making your paper more authentic while keeping the original idea as it is.

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Boost originality, keeping the main idea as is.

Rewriting sentences in a coherently and cohesively.

Use of correct terminology, word choice, and definitions.

Fix grammar, syntax, style, and language.

Enhance the structure, formatting, and citations.

Amend bibliography and the reference list.

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Why Is It Important Not to Plagiarize?

Piracy and plagiarism are one of the unlawful acts performed by students and even professionals (writers) from all over the world. Plagiarism in the USA is slowly but steadily permeating more schools and universities across the country. Nowadays, there are many simple ways to steal or copy someone’s content. These ways make it hassle-free to imitate the content. However, numerous other ways to spot the copied text have also been developed to stop people from contributing to such unethical actions. Every seven out of ten students want to get an answer for why is it important not to plagiarize. But the few unimportant reasons available on other web pages don’t seem helpful for them. For every student, it is necessary to be aware of all the major and small reasons for not attempting plagiarism and stick with original writing. For this, you can use an online paraphrase service.

Reasons That Show Why Is It Wrong to Plagiarize?

Plagiarism can be of different kind of things i.e. written text content, ideas, and even specific words. But why is it so important to avoid plagiarism. There are plenty of reasons that explain why is it wrong to plagiarize. Have a look at these 20 reasons that tell you to stop plagiarism and start writing by yourself. The writer gets full confidence in creating the content by him/herself.

  • It helps you to get a full practice of doing it again by yourself.
  • All of your assignments would be approved if you haven’t created them by stealing someone’s content.
  • You can live with peace of mind and satisfied by creating the content without making any plagiarism.
  • In case of trying to commit this act, you can face many difficulties i.e. penalties by charging money or imprisonment etc.
  • It can be highly beneficial for you in the long-term. You can’t always rely on copying other’s content or ideas.
  • The good quality of your writing with the great improvement in vocabulary are guaranteed through self-creation of content.
  • You can learn various ways of avoiding the plagiarism through it.
  • There won’t be any need of buying plagiarism detection software to check your content’s uniqueness.
  • You won’t have to get low grades and confronting embarrassment by committing plagiarism.
  • Develops a better understanding of the content by improving your learning power.
  • It helps to improve your writing skills with repetitive practice.
  • All the serious and negative consequences of plagiarism can be avoided by creating the content with no plagiarism.
  • The original work demonstrates scholarly and academic integrity. You can retain as much information as you can by learning about different subjects.
  • Whatever you write, the major advantage will be a proper understanding of the material.
  • You can be able to share opinions, feelings, and thoughts in a great manner. It is necessary to teach you the right way of sharing personal thoughts.
  • You can contribute and create a new meaning for the content.
  • There is no need to search for best online free plagiarism detection tools if you’re unable to afford paid ones.
  • Writing personally builds strong thinking ability.
  • The practice of writing can help you to think out of the box and getting good grades in exams.

These days, more than 80% of the students don’t even bother to get in-depth information about ways of avoiding plagiarism. The unique content always grabs the attention of readers and you can get the assurance of your work’s approval in case of writing it all by yourself.

Pew Research Center shared the following statistics:

Another important fact needs to be shared with all of the writers. 50% students of the universities in all over the world are actually unfamiliar of the exact methods/ways for detecting plagiarism. They are only aware of the online tools and programs for spotting the copied content. This is considered as the easiest way of spotting the plagiarized content.

Difficulties Confronting Students When Writing Academic Paper

The academic papers and journals are not simple to conduct. One paper can either take two months or even a year to be completed. It all depends upon data collection and following the exact format. There are plenty of mistakes that students face when creating academic papers:

Reasons for Plagiarism

Though plagiarism is an issue that is not addressed often enough, it is explored enough to name the reasons why people commit this act:

  • The lack of information and inadequate knowledge is one of the major reasons for plagiarism.
  • Students who don’t practice for writing regularly face this issue and decide to prefer copying the text content not wanting to try paraphrasing research paper themselves.
  • Improper command of the English language is another reason that force students to focus on stealing other’s content.
  • Lack of time and difficulties in managing it properly is another reason to copy the content. Many students find it hard to write the content by themselves due to the burden of other assignments and tasks. Therefore, they go for stealing other’s content without any hesitation.
  • Lack of interest is another reason. Sometimes, people get opportunities to learn but they don’t show any interest in it. Therefore, they end up in copy-pasting policy without the fear of disapproval and rejections. This is a major problem faced by many teachers. The non-serious attitude of students mostly creates trouble for teachers to stop them from being engaged in this unlawful activity.

When author rights are involved, then the situation is bound to have a bad outcome. Here are some of the consequences plagiarism can lead to:

  • It can lead to penalties and imprisonment.
  • You can get low grades. This will definitely result in facing embarrassment in front of everyone. Once your impression gets a spoiled insight of a teacher, it would be hard to get it back.
  • Nobody would trust in your future pieces of writings. All of your written content would be remain doubtful indeed.
  • Nobody wants to face penalties or punishment by paying a specified amount of cash. This is possible if you are caught for committing this unethical activity.
  • The lack of opportunities for getting desired jobs would become your future. You won’t be able to get the best chances for landing ideal jobs.

How Can Students Avoid Plagiarism?

Students mostly make a lot of mistakes in saving their text from getting plagiarized. Some of the major reasons are paraphrasing and quoting. These blunders are clear to spot and students should try to learn both processes properly. The lack of knowledge and inappropriate learning related to quoting and paraphrasing are major reasons for committing these mistakes. The proper methods and ways of adding quotations and rephrasing are available in online tutorials and guides. You should read such articles or watch videos for making improvement in it. There are a variety of ways to catch or spot the copied text content before submitting the draft for final approval. Have a look at these important ways that tell how students can avoid plagiarism.

  • First of all, you need to read the whole content from the beginning to the end. Try to read it out loud and then spot the errors to underline each mistake. After that, use your online or installed plagiarism detecting software for the best results.
  • Use of passive voice sentences is the simple way to rewrite sentence by showing 100% uniqueness of the content. However, it is not the ideal solution for keeping your text content free from the copied text.
  • More use of synonyms and changing structure of sentences are also best to reword the content. However, this is not quite suggested way indeed. Sometimes, the software detects copied material due to replicating the order of text and replacement of few phrases.
  • The sources of every cited sentence need to be added. This should be the date of the published journal and author’s name written under the parenthesis. The citation is the ideal process to save your written content from showing plagiarism.
  • Get two to three main words from each sentence and use them to create a new sentence with the same meaning. Make sure that you have a good grasp of the English language to recreate each sentence properly. This is the advanced method used by professional authors for rewriting and paraphrasing text content. You don’t need to take more than three words for rewriting each sentence. This is the best way that can develop the best quality of your document’s text. It will be highly useful for you.
  • There is a trick of rewriting text content to avoid plagiarism. You shouldn’t rely only on one article for rewording the text. Rely on various posts and choose one paragraph from each article to develop your own article.

Knowing the reasons for plagiarism by students might help you to avoid it in your academic writing. But if writing isn’t your forte we are here to provide you with help in high-quality content writing!

Major Advice from Experts

Every expert author who is against the paraphrase plagiarism or piracy would suggest you to avoid relying on even various types of hacks for it. For instance, the use of spin software is getting higher. You should stop depending upon such cheap and useless programs. It is also illegal activity. Secondly, there are numerous spin content detection tools available as well on the internet. People who try to replicate the content by replacing a few words are also included in the guilty individuals. Therefore, you should never use such tricks for portraying that your written content is unique and free from even 1% copied content.

About Our Professional Writing Service

Many students don’t feel any reluctance in stealing other’s content or ideas. Indeed, this is an unlawful act that is not tolerated at all. People who think that being part of this activity can give them fruitful results are living in dark. Everyone who steals someone’s content is definitely caught at once. Therefore, you can’t think of committing this act many times. Otherwise, the consequences will be beyond your expectations. It’s better to start doing it by yourself rather than contributing to any act of plagiarism. All the mentioned 20 reasons for not stealing other’s content/ideas show greater benefits of writing by yourself. But the question is, how to avoid plagiarism in writing?

Our plagiarism rewriter can guarantee you:

  • Only original content
  • Always proofread copy
  • Rush turnaround
  • Free adjustments
  • 24/7  online contact

Plagiarism is not acceptable whether you do it purposefully or unintentionally! Let our expert help you to achieve a desired result and craft a unique paper in no time!

There you have reasons why you should not plagiarize, so from now on stay safe from attempting this unethical act!

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