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Don’t Know Is Paraphrasing Plagiarism or Not? Read Below!

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Do you want to ensure your work in free from paraphrasing plagiarism? The Internet is both a help and a problem. Essays, research papers, and magazines, among other academic works, are readily available. It is tempting to copy and paste another person’s work and use it for own submission. However, it’s not the right way to go. Today, piracy is a growing problem.

While the Internet and other sources make research, writing a paper easier and faster, they may also be sources of problems when plagiarizing could also be easily committed. For this reason, you would need an expert who could create the content, and then ensure it is original and free from duplicates later. By hiring one, you can avoid the professional, personal, legal and ethical consequences.

Paraphrase Plagiarism: Statistical Facts

Do you want to know how worse plagiarizing is getting today? You probably want to know of some facts and stats. Get started by checking out the following data. If you’re not doing a plagiarism check, then you might be a part of the statistics soon. Little they know they’d actually do their own restructuring. It involves the process of translating another work into their words to keep its meaning and convey the correct message.

The wording to avoid copied text must not be as close to the source. In this case, they need to understand the meaning of the essay correctly, write what they understood and check later for the correctness of the information presented.

  • “A” or nothing: According to Glass Castle, struggling students were more likely to cheat to survive, but not now. Even the above-average cheats. In fact, 73% of test-takers cheat at some point. In addition, high school students, about 83%, agreed. Today, cheating is no longer a stigma. Students are now more willing to do whatever it takes to get an “A” grade.
  • 4 out of 5 high achievers admitted cheating on academic work. The data is based on the 1998 survey “Who’s Who Among American High School Students.” A majority of the students said that cheating wasn’t a big deal and that no one was caught anyway.
  • Another alarming statistics revealed that out of 16,000 students, 66% of them coming from US universities, admitted to cheating at least once (Rutgers University study). Twelve per cent reported that they were regular cheaters, meaning about 7 out of 10 cheats.
  • According to the University of Berkeley officials, the number of cheaters has increased by 744% (1993-1997).

How Rehashing and Summing up Differ from Each Other?

When you put the actual concept in own words to draw out the key points with the inclusion of only major issues is known as outlining. On the other hand, changing the major concept of the content in own phrases by condensing it slightly and taking a somewhat broader segment is called reformulating. These two actions are quite similar terms as per their meanings.

For paraphrase plagiarism, the number of words of the document must be almost equal to the actual content’s draft. However, the other one is about lessening the word count by summing up the whole story in 20 to 30 per cent words of the whole document.

Academic Writing: How to Check Academic Content for Duplicates?

There are many tools available which check the academic content’s uniqueness. You simply need to use any of such instruments for checking any plag issues within the content. Make sure your chosen platform has a good online rating and best reviews by other users. The process of plagiarism by paraphrasing is quite simple for every writer. You may employ reversals or passive voices to make the content unique without changing the meaning.

What are paraphrasing and plagiarism common struggles? Actually, rehashing isn’t an easy task for many students who are unaware of how to do it correctly. In most cases, they suffer from the following problems.

  • They find it hard understanding what they read. Rehashing is a technique used by professors and teachers to test their students’ comprehension skills. This is a problem for some of them. They couldn’t make it correctly because they don’t comprehend what they read.
  • Another problem is just changing a few words around or switching them out with synonyms. According to Academic guides it one of the biggest problems. Words may change in meaning when used in another context.
  • Not citing the source of the information is another problem. You must cite the source through in-text referencing or using direct quotes.

For the ideal plagiarism paraphrase of academic content, you should read the passage again and again. Develop a new sentence with the same meaning and write it. It is quite difficult to find synonyms of academic content so you’ve to amend the whole sentences by writing these in own expressions.

Examples of Duplicated Content Avoiding

There are many possible ways of avoiding mistakes in plagiarism paraphrasing. However, it isn’t as simple as you may think. Therefore, the mistakes happen and all you could do is to rectify them in an appropriate manner. Here are a few helpful examples of wrong reformulating with the justified explanation. One of the worst examples is being discussed here.

Correct Sentence

A beautiful girl with a respectable income and from a good family might be thought of as poor.

Incorrect Sentence

A handsome lady with a reasonable income and the well-off family background is said to be as unsuitable for marriage.


There are various mistakes included in the wrong statement. First of all, the word handsome isn’t used for the female gender. It’s better to use the word “good” or “sufficient” instead of “reasonable” with the “income”. The last four words haven’t been changed which never shows the actual way of reformulation. Is paraphrasing plagiarism? This is about changing the words or sentences properly without adapting the actual meaning. The use of wrong substitute words has also changed the statement’s structure.

Why Hire Professional Services

They could write text to contain the same meaning as the original essay or paper. They know how to perform proper editing to remove plag so that you may submit well-polished and meaningful essays without any traces of copying from the source. They also know how to write flawlessly. This time around, you don’t need to worry about editing your paper later.

They offer you plenty of benefits, but they also provide you with the following:

  • Timely editing service. They could submit a paper on time so that you may also beat the deadline for submission. These services ensure of timely delivery!
  • Free check on plag. You don’t need to do it yourself later. They’d perform a run of content in a powerful anti-plagiarism machine, which works to trace any hints or clues of copying.
  • Content made accurately. They know how to write well and edit a text carefully without any hassle. One of their secrets is the comprehension of the main points or ideas in the original essay. From there, they may start writing with the same meaning.

There you have what to know about plag stats and common problems faced by students and professionals.  You don’t have to suffer from any stress anymore, as here, in paraphrase and plagiarism service, are professionals to assist you with the tasks.

Never submit copied work again. Get assistance from the experts today!

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